Today we hit up the climbing gym for the morning for some fun weekend activities before heading back to work early tomorrow. Kt is finally done with school, at least for the most part. She has one more paper to write over the summer, but at least she has some breathing room... finally. She finally put on another pound after two days of In-N-Out. Despite our best efforts for a third day she resorted to some taco salad. She is doing really well though and continues to remain as active as possible.
In other news we bought our first baby items this weekend at a moving sale. How I ever made it growing up is way beyond me, because they have the raddest kiddaroo stuff these days. This one item, a "traveling crib" that must've been designed by some nuclear scientist from MIT. It comes with all the gadgets and folds up to the size of a tent bag. The other space-age is too unbelievable for it to be for an infant. There is no way it can be "just a stroller". The only thing this item doesn't have is a Rolls Royce emblem on the front of it. Its got bumpers, mug holders, storage compartments and high speed wheels. Oh, did I mention its a convertible? Yeah, its got a handy sliding top and it converts to a car seat. I haven't ever even owned a convertible and I don't think my first ride even had 4 cup holders total. Pics to come....
Straight off the press from the journal is word that Peanuts heart beat pumps about 25 quarts of blood p/day and will increase to 300 quarts by the time he/she is born.
We have yet to find any names for peanut yet too but we have found some good sources to choose from. Any ideas anyone?
So that is all for today. I will post some pics soon of Peanuts new ride.
KT, Sean, Peanut and Toulie out!!!
Ok, here are the pics...
Cute! And just what a 21st Century, traveling babe needs to get going. Gadget-fiend that you are, Sean, you will probably try out every one of those COOL features, too. Get ready, there will be more space-age items you'll need for Peanut's arrival.
ReplyDeleteName suggestions? I'd better not go there; I compiled a spreadsheet of over 100 names just for my horse! A spreadsheet is a good idea, though. :)
Recent names I've heard from other young people with little ones: Charlotte (Charley), Ava, Gabriel, Grace, Claire, (more girls than boys lately). Have fun!
Love, Mom