In better news, Kt is still going strong and in good spirits. Peanut, however, is making his hourly presence known kicking, elbowing and prolly throwing some headbutts all into KT's ribs and stomach. On top of all that, just when we hit a 5 second break hoping he's gone to sleep, he chimes in with the hick-ups. Did I forget to mention she has to wake up numerous times through out the night? At least, its not because of me anymore... :)
I can only feel for Kt in another couple weeks when there isn't anymore room for Peanut to grow. Ladies and gentlemen, don't be surprised if there are pictures of a head silloutte sticking out one side of KT's belly and a pair of feet out the other soon. That kid hasn't a second to waste in his adventures.
In other news, the check-up went well today. Peanut's heart rate was a cool 161bpm. Right on track for where he should be. Selecting names is coming along too. I think we are narrowing the selection down and it doesn't look like its going to come to a drawing out of a hat anymore. I will wait for KT to post the choices if she so wishes though. We might not wanna steal the surprise though....
School is going well for KT too. It'll be another busy semester for her, but hopefully she will get all or most of the school work done before Peanut arrives.
Work for me has hopefully slowed a bit till after the holidays too. I am hoping to be done with any "work trips" until after the New Year. We will see how that goes....
Well, so be it, that's all there is to write about this fine Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 evening.
Signing off,
Sean, KT, Toulie and Peanut.
YAY! I'm so glad everyone is happy and healthy! Much love to your fam!