Whew, where has the time gone? Seems like yesterday for so many things....
Yesterday Logan turned 8 weeks old. Next Friday he will be 2 months already. Christmas was great; everyday Kt and I talk about how nice it was back with family again. Logan hasn't gotten accustomed to back here yet either with just mommy and his old man again. The last couple days have been a little rough on us as his reflux seems to have gotten worse and we are trying to find a schedule that works for us again. So, hopefully we will go see Dr Stein Monday and see what she can do for us. He's still healthy and growing and he definitely has his happy moments that make us laugh a lot. He forgot how to drink from a bottle though, so Katie has been on a pretty short leash and I found out the hard way till she got home. Whew, that little boy has a healthy pair O' lungs on him. Unfortunately, he didn't come with a mute button either... haha just kidding.
So, needless to say hopefully we have something figured out before KT starts school back up again the middle of this month.
Anyway, hope everyone had a great New Years Eve. We went to the Hart's for a dinner and festivities afterward, though I must admit New Years came at about 10pm this year.
In other news, Happy Birthday Bappa. He turns 63 today. Here are some pics of Christmas!! Logan is looking forward to learning how to fish from you soon.
Uncle Craig and Auntie Beverley stopped by yesterday on their way back down south. It was good to see them again and Logan has already heard some of the epic stories of our adventures to Yosemite. I'm pretty sure Yosemite is on Logan's hit list to see this year.
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