Saturday, May 14, 2011


Hello blog readers! I hope this post finds you well. It's Saturday and a drill weekend, so Sean is working. Logan is napping, so I thought I'd write a quick post. I hope everyone had a nice mother's day. I had a nice relaxing day with Sean and Logan. Logan "made" me a cute little project while he was at the YMCA one day, a teapot with a tea bag inside! He put quite an effort into it, I can tell. ;0).
The other day we had to stop at the mall for a few things and putting aside my germaphobe fears, I let Logan get out of the stroller to play in the kids area. He had a BLAST. He loved it. Of course his favorite were the cars and climbed in and out of them a million times. There were a few little girls that were chasing him around and he thought that was hilarious. Already being chased by girls at 18 months, what am I gonna do?!

And the "Excitement" title is because we are coming back to MN in two weeks already! We are really excited to spend some time with family and I am really excited to head to France for a week for my friend's wedding. I have only had three, count them, 1, 2, 3, nights away from Logan in all of his 18 months, so I really need a break. Why not go to France? Hehe.
In other news, I started to try to write articles for websites for a little extra $ and the first one I wrote was just published today! Click here to read the article. There was a little editing done to it, so it was kind of weird to read what I wrote with some changes that someone else made, but it's cool nonetheless.
Alright, hope everyone has a nice weekend!!

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