Hello Everyone!!
Little miss Evelyn is three weeks old today! Wow! What a whirlwind so far! She is doing really well besides the reflux that she came down with recently. We had such a tough time with Logan having reflux, we really hoped it wouldn't rear its ugly head with Evelyn, but alas, it has. She is up most of the night eating, then grunting and grimacing in pain. She is on medication for it, so hopefully that helps, otherwise we might have to switch it. She was 5 lbs 7.5 oz at the doctor on Friday, so she is gaining weight like a champ!
Logan is taking to her really well too. Much better than I thought he would. Obviously things will change when daddy goes back to work, but he really is a pretty helpful guy with her. He likes to watch her get her diaper changed, and ask her what's wrong when she's crying. Very cute!
Sean and I are doing pretty well too. I am recovering pretty well from my c-section, although I do still feel quite lethargic most of the time, probably a mix between the surgery and not getting much sleep. I need to start going on more walks to get some energy but sometimes it's just so much easier to stay cooped up in the house with the baby.

Lastly, I took Evelyn over to my neighbor's house on Friday to get a photo shoot done. She is a really talented photographer and all around sweet person! All of you facebooker's have probably seen this pic, but I just LOVE it! As most of you know, her middle name (Louise) is named after my Grandma Louise. Grandma loved peacock feathers, and when my neighbor had the peacock feather headband for Evelyn I about died. The picture is just so lovely and a nice tribute to her. I have yet to see the rest of the pics, but I'm super excited to!!!!! Signing off to feed the little one. Hugs to you all.
<3 Katie
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