Welcome back!!! Evelyn turned one week today and is doing well. She is still in the NICU and we don't have a timeline when she will come home yet, but we are happy to say she is out of her isolet[??]. As of this morning she has been doing a great job regulating her own temperature. She is still 4lbs 13oz and that seems to be the major reason now she is still in NICU. She needs to show the Dr's that she is able to eat enough on her own before they will remover her feeding tube. So far, she has only eaten all of her food just a couple times.
Overall we are really happy with the current pregression and as much as we cant wait to bring her home with us we do want to make sure her health is at the forefront. After all she is only 36 weeks old today.
Katie spent the first night in the "parents room" at the hospital but has since moved back home since we live so close. It opens the room for parents that arent as fortunate as us and live 15 minutes away or have babies that are sicker than Evelyn.
Logan is doing well too. We are working on trying to get him back on somewhat of a normal schedule again. He is as happy as a two year old could be and looks forward to another day with dada home from work.
Here are a few more recent pics. We didnt get one of Evelyn in her isolet, but it is in some of the previous posts.
Thanks for the update! She looks like she has reddish hair! Super cute!!!