Wednesday, August 18, 2010

August fun

Here we are back again. I know I have been falling behind a bit on the blog here so will try to bring everyone back up to speed on the California Kirsch household once again. Everyone continues to do well here and Logan is finally asleep for the night. He has been about 50/50 in sleeping through the night. He usually only wakes up once if he wakes up at all at night and almost always takes my place in our bed with KT when I get up for work in the morning. His 9 month check-up was the other week and Dr Stein thought he looked really good. His iron count was a bit low so she prescribed some iron for him which he takes daily. She said he was also skinny which we already knew and prolly isnt' any different than when I was his age. I remember being a total beanpole growing up which he is the same. He's now only 3 percentile for his weight but 90-95% for his height. He's pretty much none stop all day long except for a couple short naps during the day too. He now has 1 top tooth also.
Kt is going to take him to a gymboree class so he can interact with other lil toddlers which he thoroughly enjoys.
Here are some more pics of him recently. He's very photogenic and loves smiling for the camera. His best friend beside momma is Toulie. He loves crawling around on her and watching her chase the soccer ball out back. Kt's friends were out last week so he had some more company and attention. Kt enjoyed it too as she had someone to do something with on the days she was able to get out. We are excited for his first birthday in a couple months when some of our families can hopefully make it out.
Work for me has been busy. We finished up a dive supervisor course down in Monterey last week and we are planning one more dive the end of this month up in Tahoe for an altitude dive. Next month our training focus at work is going to be on mountaineering so might try to spend some time up in the mountains before winter sets in and the days are shorter. I enclose a pic of a jump we did a coupe weeks ago playing around in the air. It was a fun day which we all needed.
Kt is taking this semester off of classes and will hopefully have some time prepping for her Thesis the next semester. I think she is ready to be done with school and to move on to something that makes money....
Ok, well thats the news from sunny and mild California. We hope this post finds everyone well and happy.


vid of Logan walking

We filmed this early this morning. He's growing so fast...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Camping in Style....

Hello All,

We are back from a weekend of fun. I will write more later this week, but wanted to share some of the pics from this weekend in Yosemite. It was a great time and we all had a blast... I know it would be really hard not to.
Anyway, here are some of the pics.... Stay tuned as there are more on the way.


Friday, August 6, 2010

how long is three quarters of a year????

It's hard to believe it but Logan is 9 months today. He's been busy crawling around lately and enjoying his new independence. Despite buying him some new toys which make tons of noise with all the bells and whistles you could think of, his favorite activity is playing with the dog dishes and trying to get out in the backyard. He is still as active as can be and has made it up the first flight of stairs on his own already (of course, closely observed ready to catch any slips)

In other news, we are settled back at home again. I went back to work two weeks ago and have been busy trying to catch up on all the new operations at the office. We also bought a new travel trailer. We picked it up today and spent the day prepping it with weekend excursion necessities. Here are some pics of it. We traded the pathfinder in for a truck hoping to get away on weekends a little easier. A place for Logan to crawl around at night and a quieter place for him to nap during the daytime should make life a little simpler.
Ok, well here are the pics and a video of Logan crawling....