Saturday, July 30, 2011

Logan's Heaven

Thought I would post some pics of the Travis Air Show today. Logan of course was blown out of his mind with so many airplanes and helicopters....

Nothing like hearing the roar of the F16 with full afterburners...

Good trigger control on "Dadda's airplane"

Mommy and Logan next to daddy's fav... A10 thunderbolt

The classic B52

Can never get enough of the B2....

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sea Horsey pics

As promised here are some pics...
I know they are not the greatest resolution. I had to take them from my phone camera, but its proof and something to admire....

Thursday, July 21, 2011

much delayed update

Hello All,

Well first of all sorry for such a long break in posts. Hopefully everyone still knows the blog is ongoing. We have been super busy here and I have been gone more than I have been at home lately. Katie on top of having her hands full with a rambunctious 20 month old, has been busy trying to get any studying if she can.... and word is number 2 is on the way too. I will try and get a pic of the ultrasound up within the next couple days so check back and hopefully it doesnt take me 2 months again. She has been incredibly sick this time around so any energy she can muster gets sucked away to watching Logan. He has learned to play on his own more and he is a very creative thinker with a full sense of imagination. He is more than a handful with so much positive energy that by the time he goes to bed we often follow right behind.
So, I guess I should say more on #2.... Katie is about 10.5 weeks prego now and the ultrasound pic look like a sea horse so for now seahorsey is its name... We have had quite a few more complications this time around, hence the long delay in posting this but every time we go to the Dr it ends up being good news in the end so life is good here.
Logan knows so much now too. He talks all the time, and knows probably hundreds of words now and consistently knows what we are talking about when we are just conversing amongst each other. He can repeat the alphabet, and 1-10 and has also started saying colors on his own now too. He's so smart and everyone that comes over repeatedly tells us how smart they think he is. Obviously I am biased as he is my boy, but he definitely makes me proud when I hear that from others.
He is still a total daddies boy too and spends the day roaming the house calling for "daddy" when I am at work. He also knows that I fly on helicopters so every time he sees one fly over the house he wants to come into my work so we can go see " dadda's helicopter".
This weekend we are off to go camping with the trailer. We are heading down to Pinnacles National Monument which is about 2 hrs away. There's a pool and quite a few hiking trails so hopefully will have a bunch of new pics by the end of the weekend again. Its been a while since the camera got dusted off.
Stay tuned


This is Logan's new camping chair, he loves it!