Hello everyone. It's been a while, sorry. Where to start? My mom was just out here for a week to visit. It was great to have Grandma in town for sure! We had lots of fun, although we didn't really take any pictures, what a bummer!! To name a few things we did while she was here: we went to Santa Cruz, played on the beach and ate at the Crow's Nest, we took Logan to Happy Hollow park to play, I took mom on a surprise girl's night outing to the Mountain Winery to see Toad the Wet Sprocket (and they were great!), we went to a movie, mom watched Logan over night so Sean and I could get some R&R on a night away together, we refinished my bedroom set to match our new headboard, and probably more that I am forgetting. It really was so great to have her here.
As far as peanut #2 goes, he/she is growing like a weed! I will be 16 weeks on Monday and have been feeling pretty good. No more nausea!!! I still don't feel like I have gotten all my energy back, unfortunately. My belly is a lot bigger this time around. With Logan i started showing a little after 20 weeks and now I've had a bump for a couple weeks already! Getting really excited to find out if we are expecting a boy or a girl, hopefully soon!
Sean left today to go help at Hurricane Irene. A bummer not to have him around this weekend and even more of a bummer to not know when he is coming home. Hopefully the storm doesn't do too much damage over there! Until then, Logan and I are holding down the fort. Here are a couple pics to enjoy! Oh yes, and Logan discovered his "cheese" face, check it out.