Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!!

Hello Everyone,

Well after a fun filled weekend with friends, its time to sit back relax for a minute and catch our breath. It was an incredibly nice weekend with great California weather. We played outside almost the entire weekend. This morning we went for a refreshing walk with Evelyn as Logan rode his strider in the warm nearly 70 degree sun. Afterwards we hit up the Moffett Easter egg hunt for the kids. Not that Logan needs anymore candy, but he had fun running around with the other kids. There is a video attached...

They, Logan and Evelyn, are doing well, growing fast and healthy. Logan amazes us almost daily with what he knows and how much he can talk. He made another comment today that had Katie and I busting out laughing when he said "Momma, why are you walking away from me?" while he was still talking to her....

Evelyn is a pretty happy girl overall. She likes to be held and is learning to coo as Katie mentioned. She definitely carries a conversation with you as long as you are talking to her. She hasnt quite found her hands yet, although she really likes shaking her hands and kicking her legs alot. She is doing really well eating and although she has her moments, she does really well bottle feeding. It's a huge relief for the both of us knowing I can manage the kids by myself and allow Katie some time off on her own.

Work is going well here. It is going to be another busy summer here but we are looking forward to hopefully taking some short family vacations throughout the summer.

Anyway, here are some pics and a video from the weekend.


Friday, April 6, 2012

3 Months!! (almost)

Good morning! Hope this post finds everyone who reads this blog well! Miss Evelyn will be 3 months old on the 8th! Oh, how time flies!! It seems like just yesterday she was a little peanut in the NICU hooked up to wires and a feeding tube, and now she is a chubby little smiley girl!! We had a doctor appt. yesterday and she weighed 9 lbs 12 oz (57%), and height was 23.5 inches (74%)!! At her one month appt she was only in the 1%, she is growing so so fast. She actually has some fat rolls and Logan never, ever had any!! Go Evelyn!!!

Evelyn's reflux is getting better. She's been off her meds for almost a week now and doing great! She has been smiling a lot lately, especially when we talk to her or smile at her. She has also started cooing and making some cute noises. So fun! She's pretty good at sleeping, usually waking mommy up at 2:30 AM and then 7 AM. Can't complain much there!! I'm ready for a chunk of sleep longer than 3-4 hours though!!

As for Mr. Logan, well he recently got a short hair cut by daddy!!! Daddy was cutting his hair and Logan wanted to be like daddy. He looks very grown up!! He thinks he is such a big boy that he doesn't take his naps anymore. Mommy shed a tear for that. Actually, he didn't nap for 4 or 5 days and then yesterday he did take a nap, so we will see how it all pans out. I'm not ready to stop trying though, I will fight for those naps!! Other than that, Logan is a very good big brother. He's got so much energy I wonder where he finds it, especially when he doesn't take a nap. He is so so so smart though. He talks in complete sentences with correct grammar, it blows me away sometimes. Yesterday, Sean gave Logan a little cup with a little bit of grape soda in there as a treat and Sean told Logan to give me a little sip. He happily brought the cup over to me, but as he handed it to me he said "Don't drink it all, momma." We both laughed hysterically. Where does he learn this stuff?

Anyway, hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend and that you are spending it with people you love. We will miss family dearly, but will be celebrating with our CA friends =).
Much love to all,