Monday, August 27, 2012

Hello Everyone!
Wow, it has been a long time since we have updated!!! I must admit I post most pics on facebook, but I will try to do a better job on the blog.
So, all is well in the new house in Livermore. Still continue to do little things here and there. We just got Logan's play structure set up, fresh with new mulch. He likes it a lot but it is still a bit big for him. We got it from a friend that didn't need it.
Evelyn is getting big! And she has two teeth now. She gets up a lot at night still and mommy is very tired. She still isn't very interested in eating much food, but she has started to enjoy gumming on puffs. Logan loved eating purees but she really isn't into it yet. She loves being outside and watching her brother play.
Logan is doing well and continues to blow me away with how smart he is and how well he talks. He started going to "Tot Drop," a daycare type place that I can drop him off anytime I like for a few hours. He really only goes once a week for a few hours, but he loves it. He makes lots of art projects and plays with a lot of toys. Of course he loves that!
Mommy had a night out with friends on Saturday to see Les Miserables at the San Francisco Orpheum. It was a fabulous show however I think I still like the Phantom more =). It was great to get out of the house with no kids for a change!
We are heading for Hawaii in a few weeks here, really excited about that!! The kids are going to have a blast swimming all day. They both LOVE the water. We are staying at the Hale Koa, a very kid friendly hotel on Waikiki Beach. That's about it for now though. Enjoy some pics of the kiddos!

We took a trip to Oakland Zoo last week, here is Evelyn chilling in her stroller.
                   Logan the turtle!
 Logan insisted on holding the map and trying to figure out where to go, it was pretty cute.
 Logan's "Tot Drop" attire. His new (hand-me-down) Thomas the Train backpack and Lunch Box.
 Miss Evelyn's usual activities: playing with all her toys in her basket!