Hello Everyone!!
So I realize that we have not posted many Hawaii pictures. To be honest, we didn't really take that many. I was holding a baby the whole time, which isn't very conducive to picture taking! I'll use that as an excuse...yeah. But, there are some pictures, and most are on Sean's computer, so I will have to talk him into posting them.
We had a nice time in Hawaii. It was not by any means relaxing, but it was fun. Lynda and Bob were there, so we got to spend quality time with them. We hung out at the beach and pool with them, had some great meals, watched fireworks, and they also took Logan on a submarine adventure! He loved that! Our good friends Chris and Elise and their son Eli were also on the trip. Logan had tons of fun playing with Eli, running around on the sandy beach, falling on purpose. There were many great meals had and Mai tai's drank between the adults ;0). We went to a Luau with fun entertainment and food. The mommies got a nice massage one day....lots of fun. Chris and Elise visited Pearl Harbor and we rented paddle boards and aquacycles. You'll have to see the pics.
We got home a week ago and decided we needed a vacation from our vacation. Ha. Both the kids got sick after we got home. Probably from the airplane and lack of naps! Logan actually doesn't nap anymore, but after playing so hard in Hawaii I'm sure his system was run down.
New in the Kirsch household: Logan got a big boy bed!! We got rid of the crib and got Logan a full-sized bed, complete with a truck comforter. He loves it. I think he would have liked Thomas the train too, but they didn't have any full-sized comforters.
Evelyn is crawling a little and pulling herself up to stand on her music table, crib, and whatever else she can get her little hands on. She is very vocal, loves her daddy now (finally!) and is beginning to eat solids better! See the pics of how stinkin' cute she is!
That's all for now folks, hopefully we can get some Hawaii pics and videos up soon! Adios!