(At Logan's 9 month appt., he was 16 lbs 13 oz and 30 inches tall, very similar!).
She is doing everything a 9 month old should be doing and more! Being a preemie has not held her back much at all! She was a couple months later when it came to eating pureed fruits and veggies, but now she gobbles them up with no problems. She loves to eat now!!
She babbles a lot and crawls all over and pulls up to stand on anything. As most of you know from facebook that she likes to climb the stairs like crazy too. Geeze.
She is extremely dramatic though. No one but Sean and I can hold her, touch her, talk to her, etc. She cries a lot!! It is frustrating but hopefully only a phase! Mommy needs a break!
Here is a video of her being goofy. This was about a week and a half ago when she started pulling up and now she does it quickly with no problems at all!!