Sunday, January 31, 2010

Puppie's 12 weeks old now!!!

My oh my how time flies. It's hard to believe he's as old as he is already. Next week he will be 3 months. We're gonna have to celebrate.
Everything is going well on the western home front. Logan came off his reflux medication and has been doing pretty well. He still has some reflux, but not anywhere nearly as bad as it once was. He occasionally will throw up some food, and start to cry, but he doesn't seem to have the pain like before. He still sleeps in an inclined sling which he doesn't mind at all and it's reassuring for us too, knowing he didn't roll over or pull a blanket over his head.
The sun has been back out after being elusive for almost 2 weeks straight, so we have been out enjoying the 55+degree weather as much as we can. He really enjoys it too.
KT started school last week too. So far so good. The first night went really well. Logan and I went to REI and Bestbuy in search of cool guy gear, but came away empty handed. We will just have to wait for the REI refund I guess. Then he should be old enough to go running by then anyway. Kt has been busy the last couple weeks trying to finish up her classes from the last semester before this semester's class really takes off in full swing.
My inspection is this coming week so its gonna be a long, long 2 weeks, but will feel really nice when its over. Hopefully it flies by like the last 3 months have.
Then its off to Albuquerque shortly afterward, which we can't wait for. Auntie Lisa is getting married. :) We're sooo excited for the fun weekend. We will have many pics to post on the blog then too.

Anyway, here are some recent pics.

Monday, January 25, 2010

I am 11 weeks old!!

Hi Everyone!
I decided to take some time out to update the blog since that is a rarity for me. Little Logan is not so little anymore! He is getting so big! It's been a while since we've seen the doc and weighed him, but I'm guessing he's gotta be around 12 lbs by now?! He is actually getting a few fat rolls! We will probably go back when he is three months old, which is not too far off in the future!!
Logan is changing everyday! He can see so much better! When he is in a playful mood all I go is sit in front of him and make faces and he smiles a lot. He has discovered his mouth and loves to suck on anything in front of his face. That used to be a way we could tell he was hungry (if we stuck a finger by his mouth and he sucked it). Not anymore, I think if he knew how to work his hands he'd pick up everything he could to suck on! He is also making a lot more noises. It is a lot of fun!
Let's talk about routines too. I never thought that he'd have one so soon! I feel pretty lucky. I'm not saying he's got a dead on routine he follows everyday, but we are getting there. He sleeps between 5-7 hours during a lot of the nights now, which is awesome. We still get those nights where he sleeps 3 hours and wants to get up and eat, but it seems like they are dwindling. I have no expectations, so every night he sleeps more than 4 hours in a stretch, I celebrate! He still sleeps in his reflux sling and mattress inclined 45 degrees. He still has his reflux and sometimes has bad nights, but it seems like it is very slowly getting a little better.
Nothing really new with Sean or I. I start school tomorrow, which I am not looking forward to because Logan is still having trouble taking a bottle. I know he will not starve or anything, but I don't like the thought of him crying for a couple hours until I get home. Sean has a big inspection at work in the next coming weeks, so the boys are working hard on getting ready for that. Lisa's wedding is approaching quickly so we are really excited for that. I've never been to Albuquerque! Sean did a lot of training there for his job, so he knows the area well. It will be fun to see all the family again (on Sean's side).
That is all for now, Logan is up from his short nap and wants my attention. Here are three pics. One, Logan was taking a cat nap in our bed, another of his sweet happy faces, and the third was him vegging out on my legs last night like I was a recliner. Gotta love him!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Look everyone I'm 10 weeks old now!!!

Another milestone has turned the corner. Logan has crossed into the double digits in weeks now. He's growing so fast too. Its already hard to remember how little he was when we first brought him home. Sometimes I wish we had a scale here at home for the lil guy, but sadly I am already afraid he is growing to fast and wish he would just stay his size for a bit longer.

I must admit everyday he surprises up with how much he develops though. His favorite activity is flexing his muscles in his baby papasan chair. He can hold his head up all by himself now too, and only when he is really tired do we help support his head. I think he is going to skip crawling all together and go straight to walking as he is always trying to stand in our laps when we hold him. During tummy time, he is learning to roll over and can pull his hands up underneath his head to support it.
He's also grown out of his first wardrobe of clothing. hmmm who can we give them too now???

His vision is considerably better too. He can see us across the room and will smile and start kicking and waving, albeit aimlessy when he see us. I dont know if he can quite sense where noise is coming from yet, but he does hear well and will brighten his eyes when he hears us talking to him.

The last couple days and maybe even a week he has slept about 6 hrs straight too. Unfortunately, his reflux isnt getting any better and I think now we wish we stayed on the prilosec. Hopefully he gets better soon though. Pretty much everyone has told us that the reflux usually goes away at 3 months so we only have a couple more weeks if so.

He has bonded quite well with both of us, and while I dont have a "mother's touch" he does enjoy bouncing around with me and even came into work with me for a couple hours one day last week which I think he thoroughly enjoyed.

In other news, Kt starts school this Tuesday. It should be interesting. Logan has drank a couple bottles from me but always in the morning. In the evening he is very adamant about breast feeding and can make quite a fuss about it too. Hopefully all goes well, and KT only has class one evening a week so that should be bearable.

My big inspection is the week after next so we have been busy with that. It'll be nice when its over and we can get back to playing and training for this summer. Last year a good friend and teammate of mine did a rotation with me in Yosemite. We havent stopped talking about it and are planning on doing another 2 weeks in Yosemite this fall again. Hopefully Kathy, KT's mom, will be able to come out and watch Logan for a couple hours during the daytime so we can get out and climb and hike again. It was such a blast last time, and I am sure Logan is gonna love Yosemite someday.

Anyway, here are some recent pics for everyone to enjoy!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010

YAY more pics!!!

Well Logan couldn't wait to download our camera pics of Christmas at the Hawkinson's. So, we thought we would share some of them with everyone.

Here they are...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

One more pic

Happy New Year Everyone!!

Good morning and Happy 2010!!!!

Whew, where has the time gone? Seems like yesterday for so many things....
Yesterday Logan turned 8 weeks old. Next Friday he will be 2 months already. Christmas was great; everyday Kt and I talk about how nice it was back with family again. Logan hasn't gotten accustomed to back here yet either with just mommy and his old man again. The last couple days have been a little rough on us as his reflux seems to have gotten worse and we are trying to find a schedule that works for us again. So, hopefully we will go see Dr Stein Monday and see what she can do for us. He's still healthy and growing and he definitely has his happy moments that make us laugh a lot. He forgot how to drink from a bottle though, so Katie has been on a pretty short leash and I found out the hard way till she got home. Whew, that little boy has a healthy pair O' lungs on him. Unfortunately, he didn't come with a mute button either... haha just kidding.
So, needless to say hopefully we have something figured out before KT starts school back up again the middle of this month.
Anyway, hope everyone had a great New Years Eve. We went to the Hart's for a dinner and festivities afterward, though I must admit New Years came at about 10pm this year.
In other news, Happy Birthday Bappa. He turns 63 today. Here are some pics of Christmas!! Logan is looking forward to learning how to fish from you soon.
Uncle Craig and Auntie Beverley stopped by yesterday on their way back down south. It was good to see them again and Logan has already heard some of the epic stories of our adventures to Yosemite. I'm pretty sure Yosemite is on Logan's hit list to see this year.