Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Geesh, time is flying, as usual. Can't believe it's been over a month since we've posted. Sean has been gone a lot, so that doesn't leave me much time to blog. His last trip for a little while was a conference in Lake Tahoe, so I drove up there with the kids to visit. We had a nice time and there was a little snow up there. Logan got to go sledding and hot tubbing.
Logan had a great birthday. His party was a Chuck E Cheese, which he loves. He wants to go there ALL the time. He loves to play the games. He really enjoyed getting all the presents and playing with them. Thank you all.
Evelyn is growing so fast! She's got quite the personality too. Dramatic and demanding, just what a girl should be, right? She stands up on everything and eats everything too. She is hilarious. If she catches a glimpse or whiff of anyone eating anything, she crawls right up to them and demands some of it. Pretty funny stuff.
Now we are awaiting Sean's Mom and Bob out here tomorrow. Finally! Someone to spend Thanksgiving with! We have never had visitors for Thanksgiving nor have we gone anywhere since we have been out here. Yay! Here are a couple pics of the kiddos.

 One of Logan's birthday presents, a big train track!
 Evelyn, getting so big!
 Bathtime together!!!
 Who doesn't love swinging with a view of Lake Tahoe?
 Brother and sister love!
Logan and daddy on a rock they climbed many times!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

An update on E.

So Evelyn had her 9 month appointment yesterday. She was 16 lbs 10 oz (10th %), 28.5 in long (77%) and head 50%. We continue to have long, skinny kids.
(At Logan's 9 month appt., he was 16 lbs 13 oz and 30 inches tall, very similar!).
She is doing everything a 9 month old should be doing and more! Being a preemie has not held her back much at all! She was a couple months later when it came to eating pureed fruits and veggies, but now she gobbles them up with no problems. She loves to eat now!!
She babbles a lot and crawls all over and pulls up to stand on anything. As most of you know from facebook that she likes to climb the stairs like crazy too. Geeze.
She is extremely dramatic though. No one but Sean and I can hold her, touch her, talk to her, etc. She cries a lot!! It is frustrating but hopefully only a phase! Mommy needs a break!

Here is a video of her being goofy. This was about a week and a half ago when she started pulling up and now she does it quickly with no problems at all!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hawaii Pics!

 Mai Tai's at the Luau
 Logan with Grandma Lynda and Grandpa Bob
 Balcony of our room
 Logan running on the beach
 Mommy and Evelyn having umbrella time
 Logan could have stayed in the pool all day
 Riding the aquacycles...Evelyn wasn't a fan of her life jacket but was a trooper!
 The Nance family on the aquacyles!!

Of course this monkey found trees to climb!

Last but not least, check out this little fish!! I think he will be swimming very soon!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hello Everyone!!
So I realize that we have not posted many Hawaii pictures. To be honest, we didn't really take that many. I was holding a baby the whole time, which isn't very conducive to picture taking! I'll use that as an excuse...yeah. But, there are some pictures, and most are on Sean's computer, so I will have to talk him into posting them.

We had a nice time in Hawaii. It was not by any means relaxing, but it was fun. Lynda and Bob were there, so we got to spend quality time with them. We hung out at the beach and pool with them, had some great meals, watched fireworks, and they also took Logan on a submarine adventure! He loved that! Our good friends Chris and Elise and their son Eli were also on the trip. Logan had tons of fun playing with Eli, running around on the sandy beach, falling on purpose. There were many great meals had and Mai tai's drank between the adults ;0).  We went to a Luau with fun entertainment and food. The mommies got a nice massage one day....lots of fun. Chris and Elise visited Pearl Harbor and we rented paddle boards and aquacycles. You'll have to see the pics.

We got home a week ago and decided we needed a vacation from our vacation. Ha. Both the kids got sick after we got home. Probably from the airplane and lack of naps! Logan actually doesn't nap anymore, but after playing so hard in Hawaii I'm sure his system was run down.

New in the Kirsch household: Logan got a big boy bed!! We got rid of the crib and got Logan a full-sized bed, complete with a truck comforter. He loves it. I think he would have liked Thomas the train too, but they didn't have any full-sized comforters.
Evelyn is crawling a little and pulling herself up to stand on her music table, crib, and whatever else she can get her little hands on. She is very vocal, loves her daddy now (finally!) and is beginning to eat solids better!  See the pics of how stinkin' cute she is!

That's all for now folks, hopefully we can get some Hawaii pics and videos up soon! Adios!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Hello Everyone!
Wow, it has been a long time since we have updated!!! I must admit I post most pics on facebook, but I will try to do a better job on the blog.
So, all is well in the new house in Livermore. Still continue to do little things here and there. We just got Logan's play structure set up, fresh with new mulch. He likes it a lot but it is still a bit big for him. We got it from a friend that didn't need it.
Evelyn is getting big! And she has two teeth now. She gets up a lot at night still and mommy is very tired. She still isn't very interested in eating much food, but she has started to enjoy gumming on puffs. Logan loved eating purees but she really isn't into it yet. She loves being outside and watching her brother play.
Logan is doing well and continues to blow me away with how smart he is and how well he talks. He started going to "Tot Drop," a daycare type place that I can drop him off anytime I like for a few hours. He really only goes once a week for a few hours, but he loves it. He makes lots of art projects and plays with a lot of toys. Of course he loves that!
Mommy had a night out with friends on Saturday to see Les Miserables at the San Francisco Orpheum. It was a fabulous show however I think I still like the Phantom more =). It was great to get out of the house with no kids for a change!
We are heading for Hawaii in a few weeks here, really excited about that!! The kids are going to have a blast swimming all day. They both LOVE the water. We are staying at the Hale Koa, a very kid friendly hotel on Waikiki Beach. That's about it for now though. Enjoy some pics of the kiddos!

We took a trip to Oakland Zoo last week, here is Evelyn chilling in her stroller.
                   Logan the turtle!
 Logan insisted on holding the map and trying to figure out where to go, it was pretty cute.
 Logan's "Tot Drop" attire. His new (hand-me-down) Thomas the Train backpack and Lunch Box.
 Miss Evelyn's usual activities: playing with all her toys in her basket!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Six months old!!

Here is a special post for our special 6 month old baby girl!! Time has flown by so fast! It seems like yesterday she was an itty bitty thing that we were dying to take home from the NICU. She came home and was barely 5 pounds, and now I'd say she's about 15! We will get official stats on Tues from her doctor appt.

What can we say about miss Evelyn?? She is a happy, sweet little girl that has a lot of determination and zeal! She loves watching her big brother play and has to put EVERYTHING in her mouth. I mean EVERYTHING. She absolutely loves to take a drink of water from my glass. Maybe it makes her feel like she is a big girl. ;0)  We have dabbled in rice cereal and some bananas and sweet potatoes. Mostly she is frustrated that I won't let her keep chewing on the spoon, we will work on that. Hehe. She can roll both ways now, front to back and back to front! We are working on sitting but she has not mastered that yet. She usually goes to sleep around 9 and sleeps until 4:30, and will then go back to sleep until about 7. Can't complain too much about that! I fear for when the teeth come in though! She smiles all the time, which is something I remember I loved when Logan was around 6 months. Check her out in action!

She is such a special little girl and makes our family complete! We are so excited to watch her grow and learn new things!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

holiday weekend fun


Well after another fun filled holiday week up in Tahoe, we came back home to have some fun with a little bit of work too. I finally finished the backyard. After new sprinklers, landscaping and laying sod I am finally done with one portion of the back yard. Uffda.... This ground is hard out here. It's been a project since we moved in and this morning I finally finished with the help of Logan and Katie.
Unfortunately, we don't have any pics of this weekend's events. We did a freefall jump into Lake Tahoe which the kids and crowds loved, but here are some pics of yesterday and today.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Trip to Minnesota!

Hello all! We have been busy bees here getting our house fixed up the way we want and still getting fun time in with the kiddos. Right now Sean is working on getting a sprinkler system working in the backyard so we can sod, and I am still trying to decorate the house a bit. I just made a door window curtain and some throw pillows. We also just bought a large area rug for the living room. Exciting stuff people! Lol, I guess when you are a new home owner it is!  Sean recently had a work trip to go on, so the kids and I decided to take a last minute trip to Minnesota. It was perfect timing with the birth of my sister's baby and some birthdays, so I thought I'd brave flying on my own with the kids. Yikes. It was hard work, but we made it both ways in one piece.  Here are some of the fun photos we took......

Hanging out in the humid weather with Grandpa!

I caught my first fish up at the cabin!

We went to see the Dinosaurs at the Minnesota zoo with a bunch of my awesome cousins!

Molly, Adam, and Cameron welcomed baby Carson!

Allison came over to hang out for a bit before she flew back to Cali!

Cam and Logan in a fire truck at Strawberry Fest.

Logan with a frog over at "Noah's House."

Miss Evelyn learns to roll over!

Next on the agenda is we are heading up to Lake Tahoe in a few days for the Fourth of July festivities they have there. For a few years now the 129th has provided entertainment for the public by jumping into the lake from the C-130s and helicopters. Sean is jumping, so it should be a good show! We are also going to try to head to Minnesota AGAIN the following week so we can attend a wedding. Busy summer, can't believe we are into July already. Off to bed, much love to you all!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

So, here are some more pics of the kids rooms. I wanted to try and wider angle lens since it would be hard to piece together the layout of the kids rooms otherwise....
Here they are...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hello all,

Well, I think we are finally getting established in our new house. We finally closed and made the big move. It's been just over a week now since we closed and have been in the house for one week today. It's definitely a good feeling and everyone has settled in very well. 
As expected it was a lot of work at first and there are still many projects however, we have been able to add a few of our own touches already. A few pics of the new paint in the kids rooms (Logan picked his out himself) are below. 
I built Logan a sand box which he spends the majority of his day playing in... that is when we is not carrying some of my tools around following me while I fix things up. No matter how cool his toys are, they don't compare to daddy's tools. Now I just need to keep him from using the hammer on the windows... 
Evelyn is adapting to the big house with all the windows and watching Logan ride his bike around his race track which consists of the kitchen, dining room and living room. The park right on the other side of our fence is has a walking path where he likes to ride too. After multiple trips with Gram Gram he has the layout down and sets the pace for a brisk walk while he cruises on his strider. 
Evelyn has been cooing quite a bit recently and she always wants to sit up. We started using the jumper recently which she thoroughly enjoys. She's still a bit of a bobble head so its pretty funny watching her. Her favorite activity is watching her big brother play though. She likes to sit in our lap, suck on her hand and just watch him.  Unlike him, she is content just sitting there and sucking on her hand or pacifier. 

Actually they are very different in many ways. He always had to be moving and has always been a beanpole whereas she likes to sit in our lap and just look around, and she is a very good eater. Even though both had reflux, she is in the 50th percentile for her weight. Logan has always been in the single digits.... 

Well, more later, hopefully some pics from Memorial weekend. There is supposed to be a B17, B25, a P51 and a German Messerschmidt here in town so I am sure they will be buzzing over the house to entertain Logan and I.