Wednesday, March 25, 2009

235 days to go...

Todays news, brought to you by the Yeti himself, me, with beta hot off the press from "a day-to-day Guide to a healthy and happy pregnancy" journal. Unfortunately, KT somehow has contracted a sinus infection and has been laid up in bed sleeping all day today. So, health and happiness weren't high in the list of words to describe herself.
However, peanut miraculously came through with the good news and has grown a hypothalamus and a backbone which should soon grow a pair of ribs too. Three cheers for PEANUT!!!!
In other news around the world/house, we decided on waiting with baby names until around the end of the first trimester. I must admit though, that I already caught KT milling around websites for names. busted... hehe
Lastly, but of course certainly not least, KT's parents and sister are coming out this weekend for a visit of the new prego Mrs Kirsch.
Toulie (the 3rd kid/dog, behind myself and Peanut) will be ecstatic to see them, although she has no idea how her life is going to change in the coming year. I am sure she cant wait till peanut will be able to throw the ball to her. Toulie, much like myself has never been able to plan too far ahead. I think, until now, the farthest I have ever been able to plan my life is about 3 weeks.... whew! big changes to come.

Exciting news on this 25th Day of March, 2009.


  1. ss Katie, feel better soon.

  2. Sean (aka Yeti),
    I am so thrilled for you, and can tell by your tone that you, too, are THRILLED with the idea of Peanut! Give Katie my best, too, I hope her sinuses clear up so she can enjoy her family's visit.
    Love, Mom
    XO(Sean),XO(Katie),XO(Toulie) and

  3. Darren Kirsch has a nice ring to it. Both Seth and Tristan decided to go with a different name.


  4. Katie,
    Hope you feel better soon and enjoy your visit with your family. Take care,
    Kathy S.
