Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Peanut is growing a brain today

Peanut's brain, according to KT's Prego Journal (as I call it) has broken down into three sections today. The forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain.
Now, now, before everyone starts commenting that we wish Peanut's forebrain is much more like Kt's (the higher order part), lets remember that she did indeed marry me. hehe. Of course, that being said, I too hope for Peanut to have KT's intellect.
Also, Peanut is the size of a small coffee bean, about 3/8", which we would concur with after seeing our initial ultrasound last Thursday. Pics soon to come from the next one this friday.
Another statistic is that Peanut is growing at an incredible rate; now 15,000 time bigger than at conception. Holy moley!!!!

In other news, KT is still doing remarkably well. With little to no sickness as of yet. We did, however, make ice cream shakes with Girl Scout Mint cookies one night...


  1. Sean and Katie,

    I think a lot of baby experts will say to surround
    Your child while your still pregnant in music and the arts.

    As a close and personal friend, I highly suggest that you
    Start with the art of big wall climbing and rope sciences:)


  2. Congrats kate and sean! I knew this day would come and im so excited for you guys..well see ya soon. Love ya
    Auntie Molly

  3. Sean before you totally rule out your genes, let's keep in mind that your lil' sis (me of course) is quite intelligent. The planning gene will definitely need to come from KT as I hope will the good looks. I don't think a single member of our family can plan and execute except maybe mom. Feed KT tons of fish oil, eggs and Omega-3 fatty acids for good brain development.
