Friday, May 1, 2009

Peanut is 76 days old...

Schnikees, Peanut may no longer be a peanut as big as he/she is. Measuring over 5 cm now (2inches) peanut may be upgrading to a walnut.... Or maybe a more appropriate term is "wall nut" since KT and I spend so much time rock climbing on the "walls." haha. No worries folks, we continue to be careful with no lead climbing involved.
Peanut was kicking away on the ultrasound last week. Those two lil legs were moving like Lance Armstrong in the Tour De France... except of the last race that is. It was really awesome to watch though. Lets just hope that Peanut's gracefulness comes from KT and not the clumsiness in me.
In other medical news straight from the journal, Peanuts legs are completely vascularized now and she/he has fingernails and toenails for KT to paint someday. Kt's uterus is now the size of a grapefruit... a small one albeit. And over the next couple day Peanut's irises will develop color. hmmm, since KT has hazel and I have brown, I wonder what color Peanut will have? Lastly Peanut is growing an avg. of 1.5 mm everyday....
In other news, Kt continues to work on her school work obsessively. She will prolly have read more books this semester than I have in my whole life... ok, so I am not a bigger reader.
Work, for me, is starting to pick back up now that the rest of the boys are back home from the deployment. Our next overseas trip is sometime next summer, but for now we're looking forward to a summer of fun and hopefully making the voyage, with Toulie, back to MN for some R&R in July. Maybe Peanut will get his/her first jump off the dock up at the cabin then too....

KT and I...

1 comment:

  1. Well, if Peanut was 76 days old on May 1, he/she will now be 88 days old since it's May 13 today. S/he is getting close to the 100 days mark, and you guys are already a family! That's cool that Peanut is so active, just wait 'til you can feel it, Katie. That's awesome.

    Yes, it's fun to wonder about all those individual features: eye and hair color, finger and toe nails, smile, laughter, etc. Anticipation is part of the fun, and the mental preparation. You're going to be GREAT parents!
    Mom (Lynda)
