Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Logan's One Month Physical

Hello everyone! Yes, its Katie reporting. Sean has been giving me crap about not posting, ever. I know, but I'm so busy!!! I mean, I am a human buffet, and I'm super tired. Anyway, Logan had his one month physical today (he is 5 1/2 weeks though). So he weighed 8 lbs 14 oz, which he was in the 20 % percentile, meaning that 80% of babies his age weigh more than him. The Dr. wasn't concerned though, because he is consistently gaining weight. For his height, go figure, he was in the 90% percentile at 23.5 inches. His head circumference was 40% percentile. So he is a tall little baby!! He also had to get his Hepatitis B shot and he didn't like that one bit, poor little guy. His reflux seems to be a little better. We've still got him on his Prilosec medication and sleeping on an incline, so he is feeling a little better. He is sleeping better at night, so that makes for a much happier baby and mommy =). So as Mollz told me today, 5 more days until we go out to Minnesota, I am soooo very excited to be with my family again. I am really hoping Molly has baby Camron while I'm back there!!! He'd better come out or face the wrath from his auntie! Thats about it for now, I'm sick of typing with one hand, because Logan wants to be held, he had a rough day. Can't wait to see you all!!

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