Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Mom at the cabin, her favorite place to be!

Hello, and Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's and mom's to be out there! I wanted to take a special post to talk about my mom. Yesterday I happened upon an old journal and read it. Of course it pathetically centered around my lust for boys, but it made me think about when I was a kid and teenager. Right now I cannot even fathom what it would be like to be the mother of a teenager, all I have is experience of mothering a baby and a toddler. All I know is that if I could be half the mother my mom was to me, I will be a great mother. Somehow being a mom myself puts what my mom is to me in perspective.

It makes me a little teary-eyed thinking about my mom and what to write about her. I miss my family so much being away from them all the time. Don't get me wrong, I love my life and the family we built here in CA, but I know my life would be fuller and richer if I could spend more time with my family and my mom.

I do not even know where to begin to describe what my mom has done for me. I definitely didn't take for granted all the things my mom did and has done for me, but now I can fully understand the self-sacrifice that is involved with being a mom. I thought about listing a lot of the things she has done that I appreciate (the sleepless nights with my asthma problems, those countless hours at the ice rink, the countless dollars spent on college, and the many flights to CA to come help me out, etc. etc. etc.) but this post would take days to read. She knows all of the things that I am thinking of. ;0)

So, Happy Mother's Day mom! I miss you so much and wish I could spend the day with you. We will be seeing you in a few weeks and I can't wait!!

Love, Katie

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