Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Wow, where did December come from? It snuck up on us, I guess. Well here is a pic of me at 30 weeks along. Time is going by so fast! I don't feel ready for peanut #2 yet!! Yikes!
This little drama queen has kept up her status and put mommy in Labor & Delivery last week. Everything checked out okay, I was just ordered to stay off my feet as much as possible. I had an appt. with my OB yesterday and she did some ultrasounds and said everything still looks okay. She ordered another ultrasound to check the baby's growth because she is measuring a little small. Just a precaution to check it out. We will get that done next Wednesday.
I am feeling so uncomfortable already, I really feel like there is no way I will make it to 40 weeks. We at least have to make it to about 37 weeks though for baby to be in the clear. It's hard to rest and relax with a rambunctious 2 year old running the house!

We are really bummed to not make it home for Christmas this year, but it is probably the best for me not to travel at this point. We will miss family so much! It will be my first Christmas ever away from home! *tear*.

Anyway, that's about it here. Logan is still doing great, talking up a storm. He's such a smart little bugger. He now says "baby sister" and points to my belly. I'm still not sure how much he gets though. It will be quite an adjustment for him, I think. We hope everyone has a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. We will be thinking about you all.


1 comment:

  1. You're looking great KT!!!! Hope time flies for you! Lisa
