Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Yup, Its offiicial... Peanut is a Mini Man

Monkey #3 is on his way the end of November. I know, I know, trust me, I think its really crazy too. Me of all people... a little critter of my own. Its pretty scary seeing as I have yet to grow up myself. Katie has a hard enough time trying to keep track of myself, much less a lil' MiniMe. If Peanut is anything like I was when I was a wee lil guy, I can only feel how much she is in for. Hold on tight!!!

Actually, we even went shopping today for some outfits for Peanut. I am sure everyone will be surprised with the theme we chose. Here are a few pics of mama's baby belly, and some outfits.

The doc said everything looked really good and Peanut was only one day off of the scheduled delivery date based on his measurements. So thats good news. YAY!!!

It's a BOY!!!

The day finally came!! We are definitely having a boy!! Here is the money shot!

Here is a profile picture of baby's head. Such a cutie already! The ultrasound was about a half an hour long and they measured so much on the baby! Everything from the heart to kidneys, diaphragm, bones, and brain. It turns out i have an anterior placenta, (where the placenta is positioned in the front), this kind of acts like a cushion and the reason I couldn't feel any kicking from the baby yet. There is nothing wrong with having an anterior placenta though, no worries. The doctor said peanut looked really good and there were no malformations. This is what I was most worried about, so I feel a lot better now.

Sean and i have not really thought much about names yet. We were having so much trouble we decided to wait to find out what we are having and that will cut the names in half, ha. Wish us luck.

When Sean comes home from work I will have him take a picture of my belly and we will post that. We don't have any of those up yet. I think I am going to go buy some cute boy outfits just to celebrate a healthy baby boy. Love you all, can't wait to come home to MN next week!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

U/S reschedule

So I just got a call from the hospital and they had to reschedule my ultrasound. At first I was very disappointed because she was trying to get me to do it a week later, but there were barely any times available. So we settled for Tuesday June 30th at 9:45 am. Don't ask me why she started off telling me dates a week later. I am sooo excited for this ultrasound I really didn't want to have to wait a week longer. Anyway, so now we have to wait one more day longer, not too bad. Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday.

Monday, June 22, 2009

18 Week Check Up

Hello Everyone,
Sean headed to British Columbia yesterday so I had to head to my check up alone. It went totally fine. The doc just measured the belly and we listened to the heartbeat on the doppler. It was 150 bpm, which is normal. The baby was moving around quite a bit as the doc kept having to move the device to keep hearing the heartbeat. Sounds like the baby takes after Sean and can't sit still for three seconds. Haha.
Next Monday we have our big ultrasound when we will hopefully find out the sex. I really hope baby doesn't have any tricks up his/her sleeves to prevent us from knowing....I like to be prepared. =) So we will for sure have a big update then, and perhaps even a pic of my belly. It is just starting to take some shape and grow. I hope everyone is having a nice week. Talk to you soon!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Camping Trip!

Hello all,
So we decided to take a camping trip last weekend to Lover's Leap Campground near Lake Tahoe. The weather looked a little iffy, but we decided to embark anyway. We had a beautiful first day in which we set up camp, relaxed, napped, and cooked some food. We also had to make a stop at the Strawberry lodge so Sean could watch Pitt win the Stanley Cup. Good times. Here is our campsite and Sean cooking.

The following day we arose from a very cold night, but were warm in our sleeping bags. We headed to the rock and did one climb. It was a fun one. Just as I got off the rock, it started to rain though, and we were rained out the rest of the day. So we hung out in the tent, napped, watched a movie on Sean's ipod, and relaxed. It was very nice. We ended the night with Sean stealthily making a campfire out of wet wood. What a boy scout! And that was Peanut's first camping trip.
This pic is me getting ready to climb, then getting ready to leave because it started raining!!
PS we have a doctor appointment on Monday, so I'll give you the scoop on peanut then. Ciao!