Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It's a BOY!!!

The day finally came!! We are definitely having a boy!! Here is the money shot!

Here is a profile picture of baby's head. Such a cutie already! The ultrasound was about a half an hour long and they measured so much on the baby! Everything from the heart to kidneys, diaphragm, bones, and brain. It turns out i have an anterior placenta, (where the placenta is positioned in the front), this kind of acts like a cushion and the reason I couldn't feel any kicking from the baby yet. There is nothing wrong with having an anterior placenta though, no worries. The doctor said peanut looked really good and there were no malformations. This is what I was most worried about, so I feel a lot better now.

Sean and i have not really thought much about names yet. We were having so much trouble we decided to wait to find out what we are having and that will cut the names in half, ha. Wish us luck.

When Sean comes home from work I will have him take a picture of my belly and we will post that. We don't have any of those up yet. I think I am going to go buy some cute boy outfits just to celebrate a healthy baby boy. Love you all, can't wait to come home to MN next week!


  1. He is so adorable!! I can't wait to meet him and hold the little guy. Congrats you two!!!!

  2. Congratulations, you two! Peanut looks just like Sean! I'll bet he'll have Katie's intellect and Sean's sense of adventure. So glad to hear he is healthy and you're all doing well. Looking forward to seeing you all again next week!
    Love, Mom & Bob

  3. Yay how fun! Can't wait to see the KT pictures too!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. nous aimons les photos de peanut. Il a l'aire tres mignon!!! Susie and I are happy for you two. Now the fun part comes.... picking names!!!!
